...about the mission
For me, making music is an act of honesty, since music speaks straight from the heart and to the heart. As such, music manifests what we are.
My special gratitude goes to the “improvisation” - so fragile, yet the most creative process, which is guiding me with maternal patience, also giving hard lessons, while leading always further, deeper - into understanding.
In its complexity, music and improvisation teaches to understand: to hear and listen to the voice of intuition, to recognize it, to respond, to follow the voice with trust, to act with courage, to stay authentic. Improvisation is life. Life is improvisation.
And here, on top of the trained skills, craftsmanship and experience, the “intuition” is the true leader. In music. In life.
So let it speak, let it show the way, let it guide, whatever we do, and let’s follow it – being as creative and generous as possible – and with gratitude just give it all straight to the joy, fun, to the friendship, happiness, to the beauty, to the light, to the love.
That is my quest, my direction, my mission. From now again (and from every now) and always further on...
(shortcut)...of course, there’s much more beyond those noble phrases: the reality of doing it. Which brings essential questions, real issues and challenges. Yet, with the “word” I’m here now – to clean my tubes, my eyesight and perception, to put away ballast of all kinds, to see more clearly again.
So, with the “word” we begin, and the real depth, meanings and all the stuff, we can look closer and dive in, when we meet and recognize each other on this pathway. In Music, in Life.
I’m very much looking forward to see You there.
Thank you all my allies.
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After years of being a musician, my true perception of doing and creating music got gradually beyond the basic image: using it as a tool, or just having fun – even though this is part of that. Music is being done through technical skills, craft precision, for purpose, for entertainment, it does cause emotions, brings light, joy, fun (or sentiment), and let it be fully applied. Nevertheless, it’s not about firm control, one-level and self-centered use, as if it’s just any other tool of economical (or social) profit. In it’s essence, I see “doing music” rather as a developing a respectful relationship with an entity (musica) of it’s own nature and intelligence. To cooperate, to ask, to respond, to give, to contribute, to accept, to feel...
Doing music is learning and exploring the multidimensional meaning of the word “understanding”. Not only understanding of “what” or “how”, but also “why”. And for that, the right answer can’t be found at the materialistic level only. Perhaps the right answer is part of the mystery of Life, of Existence – very simple and very complex at the same time. Beyond any known words. ....to do the thing, live the thing, to become the thing.
Music opens the new door of possible, connects “unconnectible”, introduces the undreamt-of. Music is like Sun – opened for everybody, offering the self without judging to whom, affecting anybody on the appropriate level of each. Music in it’s essence reflects level and state of mind, state of heart, state of being - state of existence. All together. The real mission is to learn to understand, learn to connect, to hear and to listen to the voice of intuition. The mission is, to learn to live it truely – to live the truth.
...in the range of my own skills, I do encode my music with good will, pure aims and intentions, in the name of light and joy, as a language of healing, language of love.
That’s what music means to me.